Saturday, December 24, 2011

Does the flowmaster 40 serises sound different that the flowmaster 50 seriers?

Does one have a deeper, louder, or a nice throaty sound or roar to it , if so which one?|||the 40 should be louder. i think its like a 2 chamber as compared to a 3 chamber. just a newer fancy word for it. i have 40's on my car and its comfortably loud. (then again, i would rather i could drive around on open headers, cause its never loud enough.) i think a 50 would be too quiet for me, but prob good for someone who drives a lot or drives out of town or drives with the fam.|||the 40 is louder |||The 40 is a little louder. But it would only sound good on something with a V8.

A 4 cylinder is always going to sound small, no matter what you use for a muffler.

And a 6 cylinder will always sound like a 6 cylinder.

Don't expect it to make your 2004 Stratus R/T to sound like something with a Hemi under the hood.|||The 40 series is louder than the 50 series and the super 40 or the super 44 is the loudest and deepest sound, the regular 40 series is medium loudness with a throaty sound. Go to the flowmaster website as you can listen to all their mufflers and then you can make a choice.

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